There comes a point in all hardware technology where the state-of-the-art can’t handle emerging applications. Forward motion requires creativity and invention to generate fundamentally new ideas. These ideas must be made practical and useful via a rigorous combination of basic machine design science with applied research and application. That is what we do.
We (1) invent, design and fabricate high-performance machine systems; and (2) Generate design theory/tools/methods that enable deployment the preceding and (3) Teach scientists/engineers to make and use them via professional classes. We produce new concepts that change the paradigm for specific machine technologies. We develop understanding of the fundamental issues that dominate/limit these technologies, then create the knowledge/tools/theory/proof that engineers need to design/employ them. We apply this work to advanced machine technologies that:
Make (e.g. manufacturing, rapid prototyping, fixturing, etc…)
Move (e.g. robotics, actuators, motion stages, mechanisms, etc…)
Measure (e.g. sensors, instrumentation, medical devices, telescopes, etc…)